Creating your own Step Agent images
That page aims to guide through the process of creating your own Step Agent images. Currently, only Linux systems are supported, so below explanation / examples assumes your base Docker image is a Linux based one, such as Debian.
If you would like to build your own Step Agent images, below requirements have to be met:
- Java 17 (preferably the JDK) must be downloaded in the image
- An “agent” user must exist, and its home directory to be “/home/agent”
- optionally, below packages could be installed in your images (see in below example):
- wget and unzip, to support downloading external dependencies at runtime
- sudo, if the Agent needs to perform root impersonated operations
- xvfb and xauth, to simplify eventual headless Web Browser tests configuration
- any other required package for your usage, in the apt-get install command line (such as chromium and chromium-driver for web browser testing)
For instance, a Dockerfile based on Debian 12 could look like:
FROM debian:12-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install unzip curl openjdk-17-jdk && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN useradd -s /bin/bash -m -U -u 1000 agent
USER agent
RUN cd /home/agent && curl -Lo && \
unzip -d /home/agent && rm -f
RUN chmod +x /home/agent/bin/
WORKDIR /home/agent/bin/
CMD ./
Docker build command
Assuming your Dockerfile name is “step-agent.dockerfile” and stored under the current repository, below command could be used to build the image:
docker build -f step-agent.dockerfile -t your.docker.repository/step-enterprise/agent:3.25.3-java-17 .