Interface ITraceabilityMatrixRelationSettings

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ITraceabilityMatrixRelationSettings
    extends com4j.Com4jObject
    For HP use. Represents traceability matrix settings for a single relation type.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String additionalDataAsFrec()
      Returns a copy of the additional data as an frec.
      boolean existInIds()
      Indicates whether the relation should exist.
      java.lang.String filter()
      Returns a copy of the filter over the linked entities.
      java.lang.String logicalCondition()
      Returns a copy of the logical condition over the relation.
      java.lang.String relationName()
      Returns a copy of the name of the relation.
      void setAdditionalDataPropertyByName​(java.lang.String prop, java.lang.Object newVal)
      Set the value of the specified property in the additional data, by property name and property value.
      • Methods inherited from interface com4j.Com4jObject

        advise, dispose, equals, getComThread, getIUnknownPointer, getPointer, getPtr, hashCode, is, queryInterface, setName, toString
    • Method Detail

      • relationName

        java.lang.String relationName()

        Returns a copy of the name of the relation.

        Getter method for the COM property "RelationName"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • logicalCondition

        java.lang.String logicalCondition()

        Returns a copy of the logical condition over the relation.

        Getter method for the COM property "LogicalCondition"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • existInIds

        boolean existInIds()

        Indicates whether the relation should exist.

        Getter method for the COM property "ExistInIds"

        Returns a value of type boolean
      • filter

        java.lang.String filter()

        Returns a copy of the filter over the linked entities.

        Getter method for the COM property "Filter"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • setAdditionalDataPropertyByName

        void setAdditionalDataPropertyByName​(java.lang.String prop,
                                             java.lang.Object newVal)

        Set the value of the specified property in the additional data, by property name and property value.

        prop - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        newVal - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
      • additionalDataAsFrec

        java.lang.String additionalDataAsFrec()

        Returns a copy of the additional data as an frec.

        Getter method for the COM property "AdditionalDataAsFrec"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String