IList |
ICustomizationActions.actions() |
The list of CustomizationAction objects.
IList |
IPolicyStatus.administrators() |
The list of project administrators.
IList |
IAlertManager.alertList(java.lang.String entityType,
boolean needRefresh) |
The list of user alerts.
IList |
ICustomizationRBTQuestion.answers() |
The IList of CustomizationRBTAnswer objects of all possible values for this criterion, ordered by weight.
IList |
ICustomizationField2.authorizedModifyForGroups() |
The list of groups whose members can modify this field.
IList |
ICustomizationField2.authorizedOwnerSensibleForGroups() |
The list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which only the owner can modify the field.
IList |
ICustomizationField2.authorizedVisibleForGroups() |
The list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which the field is visible in customization dialogs.
IList |
ICustomizationField2.authorizedVisibleInNewBugForGroups() |
The list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which the field is visible in the new defect dialog.
IList |
IBaselineFactory.baselineItems(IBaseField pEntity) |
A list of IBaselineItem objects in which the entity participated.
IList |
IBaselinedEntity.baselines() |
A list of IBaseline objects in which the entity participated.
IList |
IVersionItem2.baselines() |
The list of IBaseline objects to which this version belongs.
IList |
ICustomizationRBT.biQuestions() |
The list of Business Criticality questions.
IList |
IBPGroup.bpComponents() |
The list of the BPComponents that belong to the group.
IList |
IBusinessProcess.bpComponents() |
The list of BPComponents that belong to the test.
IList |
IBPComponent.bpParams() |
The list of the BPComponents parameters.
IList |
IGraphBuilder.buildMultipleGraphs(java.lang.Object graphDefs) |
Build several graphs.
IList |
IComponent.businessProcesses() |
The list of associated BusinessProcess objects.
IList |
IBug.changeLinks() |
IList |
IComparisonNode.children() |
Get children
IList |
ICustomizationListNode.children() |
The list of CustomizationListNode objects that are sub-nodes of the current node.
IList |
IComparison.compareEntities(ILibraryInfo importerInfo,
int importerBaseLineId,
ILibraryInfo exportableInfo,
int exportableBaselineId,
IList comparisonSettingsList,
int importedEntityId,
int exportableEntityId,
java.lang.String compareEntityType) |
Compares two entities of the same type that are mapped through libraries using a given set of comparison settings
IList |
IComparison.compareVersionedEntities(int entityID,
int firstVersionId,
int secondVersionId,
IList comparisonSettingsList,
java.lang.String compareEntityType) |
Compares two versions of entity using a given set of comparison settings
IList |
ICustomizationMailConditions.conditions() |
Gets the list of CustomizationMailCondition objects.
static IList |
ClassFactory.createList() |
Services to create and maintain lists.
IList |
IGraph.crossDrillDown(java.lang.Object areas) |
Cross project graph data drill-down.
IList |
ICustomization3.customizableEntitiesTables() |
Returns the list of the customizable entities' table names.
IList |
ILicenseManager.deniedFeatures() |
Gets the list of features which cannot be used in the current QC edition.
IList |
ITDConnection.domainsList() |
The domain names for this site.
IList |
IGraph.drillDown(java.lang.Object pAreas,
java.lang.Object mAreas) |
Drills down to graph data.
IList |
ISettings.enumItems() |
Returns the list of names of the setting's items.
IList |
IExecutionStatus.eventsList() |
Gets the list of the execution events.
IList |
ICustomizationRBT2.fcQuestions() |
The list of Functional Complexity questions.
IList |
IBaseFactory.fields() |
The list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory.
IList |
IComparisonResult.fields() |
Returns a copy of The list of the modified fields
IList |
IComparisonSettings.fields() |
Returns a copy of The list of the fields to be considered for the comparison
IList |
ICustomizationFields.fields(java.lang.String tableName) |
A list of all fields in the specified table.
IList |
ICustomizationType.fields() |
The list of CustomizationTypedField objects for this type.
IList |
IFactoryList.fields() |
Gets a list of fields available through this factory.
IList |
ITDConnection.fields(java.lang.String dataType) |
A list of fields for the table specified in the DataType argument.
IList |
ITDFilter.fields() |
The list of fields for the TDFilter's parent object.
IList |
IReqFactory.find(int startRootID,
java.lang.String fieldName,
java.lang.String pattern,
int mode,
int limit) |
Gets a list of requirements containing the Pattern value in specified field.
IList |
ISysTreeNode.findChildren(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Finds node children according to specified search pattern.
IList |
_ISubjectNode3.findChildrenExact(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Finds node children matching the name exactly according to specified search pattern.
IList |
IBaseEntityFolder.findEntity(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Gets a list of contained business entities according to specified pattern.
IList |
IBug.findSimilarBugs(int similarityRatio) |
Searches the defect summaries for similarities to this defect.
IList |
IBugFactory.findSimilarBugs(java.lang.String pattern,
int similarityRatio) |
Searches defect summaries and descriptions for matches to Pattern.
IList |
ITestSetFolder2.findTestInstances(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Gets the list of test instances in all test sets in given folder and its subfolders that match the specified pattern.
IList |
ISubjectNode.findTests(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Finds tests within the current subject folder whose name matches the specified text pattern.
IList |
ITestSetFolder.findTestSets(java.lang.String pattern,
boolean matchCase,
java.lang.String filter) |
Gets the list of test sets contained in the folder that match the specified pattern.
IList |
IBusinessProcess2.flowOutputParameters() |
The list of flow output parameters for the test.
IList |
ITestSetFolder3.folderFields() |
Returns the list of fields of the test set folder.
IList |
ICustomizationRBT.fpQuestions() |
The list of Failure Probability questions.
IList |
IAlertable.getAlertList(boolean needRefresh) |
Gets a list of all alerts associated with the object.
IList |
IAlertable2Dispatch.getAlertList(boolean needRefresh) |
Gets a list of all alerts associated with the object.
IList |
ITDConnection4.getAllVisibleProjectDescriptors() |
The list of project descriptors under all domains that the current logged in user is allowed to connect to.
IList |
IChange.getBugLinks() |
IList |
_IBaseFactory.getCachedList(java.lang.String filter) |
For HP use
IList |
IAnalysisItemFolderFactory.getChildItemsIncludedInPages(IList pIdsList,
boolean inPublicPagesOnly) |
Returns the list of those Analysis Items that are descendants of the specified folders and are displayed on at least one dashboard page.
IList |
IDashboardFolderFactory.getChildPagesWithPrivateItems(IList pIdsList) |
Returns the page IDs of those children of the specified folders that contain private analysis items.
IList |
IReqFactory.getChildrenList(int fatherID) |
Gets list of child requirements.
IList |
IReq2.getCoverageTestsByReqFilter(java.lang.String reqFilter,
boolean recursive) |
Returns the list of tests that cover the current requirement and, optionally, cover those of its children that match the requirement filter.
IList |
IReqFactory3.getCoverageTestsByReqFilter(java.lang.String reqFilter) |
Returns the list of tests that cover the requirements that match the requirement filter.
IList |
IReq.getCoverList(boolean recursive) |
Gets a list of the tests that cover this requirement.
IList |
ITest.getCoverList() |
Gets the list of all requirements covered by this test.
IList |
IReq.getCoverListByFilter(java.lang.String testFilter,
boolean recursive) |
Gets the list of all tests that cover the current requirement and match the filter.
IList |
ICrossProjectAPI.getEntitiesFieldIntersection(IList pProjectIds,
IList pEntityTypes,
int entityFieldComparisonStrategy) |
Return a list of lists.
IList |
ICustomizationTypes.getEntityCustomizationTypes(int entityType) |
Gets the list of all CustomizationTypes for the specified entity.
IList |
ITDConnection3.getExtensions(int mode) |
For HP use.
IList |
ISupportHierarchicalFilter.getFilteredChildren(int fatherID,
ITDFilter filter) |
Returns a list of children of the specified parent that match the filter.
IList |
IReqFactory2.getFilteredChildrenList(int fatherID,
ITDFilter filter) |
Gets a filtered list of child requirements.
IList |
IAnalysisItemFactory.getItemsIncludedInPages(IList pIdsList,
boolean inPublicPagesOnly) |
Returns the list of those AnalysisItem objects from the list that appear on dashboard pages.
IList |
IDashboardPageFactory.getPagesWithPrivateItems(IList pIdsList) |
Returns those dashboard page objects from the specified ID list that include private analysis items.
IList |
IBusinessProcess2.getParameterGroups(int groupLevel) |
For HP use.
IList |
IReqFactory3.getRequirementsByStatus(java.lang.String filter,
java.lang.String status,
IList coverageByCycles) |
For HP use.Returns a list of Requirements depending on their status, the list of cycles and the filter
IList |
IReqFactory3.getRequirementsSummaryStatus(java.lang.String reqIDs,
java.lang.String filter,
IList coverageByCycles) |
For HP use.
IList |
IReqFactory3.getRequirementTypes() |
Returns the list of requirement customization types.
IList |
IBusinessProcess2.getRTParamOccurrences(com4j.Com4jObject pRTParam) |
For HP use.
IList |
ITDConnection3.getTDParamsNames() |
Returns the names of the site's parameters.
IList |
IReqFactory3.getTracedList(int reqID,
int traceDirection) |
Returns the list of requirements either traced directly from or directly to the specified requirement.
IList |
ISupportEntityTypes.getTypedFields(java.lang.String typeId) |
The list of fields for the given type.
IList |
IGroupingItem.groupList() |
The list of sub-groups of this group.
IList |
IGroupingManager.groupList() |
The list of top-level GroupItem objects.
IList |
ICustomizationAction.groups() |
A list of the user groups for which the current action is allowed.
IList |
ICustomizationUsersGroups.groups() |
The list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
IList |
ICustomizationUser.groupsList() |
The names of all the user groups to which this user belongs.
IList |
IGroupingItem.itemList() |
The list of references to the members of the group.
IList |
IGroupingManager.itemList() |
The list of references to the members of the group.
IList |
ITDMailConditions.itemList(boolean getRealNames) |
Gets the list of Mail Condition Users.
IList |
IFileData.items() |
The folder's child items.
IList |
IBPIteration.iterationParams() |
The list of BPIterationParam objects associated with this iteration.
IList |
IBPComponent.iterations() |
The list of the BPComponents Iterations.
IList |
ILibraryFactory.libraryPartsEntitiesTables() |
Returns the list of the entities' table names which can be a library part.
IList |
ITemplateManager.linkedProjects() |
The list of projects linked to this template.
IList |
IMultiValue.list() |
List of values.
IList |
IParameterGroup.members() |
The list of the IParameterGroupMembers that belong to the group.
IList |
ICustomizationModules3.modules() |
The list of project module IDs.
IList |
IExtensionData.modules() |
The the list of extension modules.
IList |
IGraph.multiDrillDown(java.lang.Object areas) |
Gets detailed information about a graph area consisting of four sets of coordinates.
IList |
IBaseFactory.newList(java.lang.String filter) |
Creates a list of objects according to the specified filter.
IList |
IHistory.newList(java.lang.String filter) |
Gets filtered list of history data records.
IList |
IHostGroup.newList() |
Gets a list of all hosts in the group.
IList |
ISysTreeNode.newList() |
Gets a list of the node's immediate children.
IList |
ITDFilter.newList() |
Creates a new list from current filter.
IList |
IHistory2.newListEx(java.lang.String filter,
java.lang.String versionNumber) |
Gets filtered list of history data records, that belong to the requested version .
IList |
IReqCoverageStatus.possibleStatuses() |
The list of possible coverage statuses.
IList |
IReqSummaryStatus.possibleStatuses() |
A list of possible requirement statuses.
IList |
ITDConnection.projectsList() |
The projects that are available in the domain to which Quality Center is connected.
IList |
ITDConnection.projectsListEx(java.lang.String domainName) |
The projects available within the specified domain.
IList |
ITreeManager.rootList(short val) |
Gets list of available trees in the specified range.
IList |
IBusinessProcess.rtParameters() |
The list of run time parameters for the test.
IList |
IRuleManager.rules(boolean needRefresh) |
A list of all the Rule objects.
IList | query,
com4j.Com4jObject pSearchOptions) |
Gets a list of objects matching the search query.
IList |
IBaseEntityFolder.subNodes() |
The list of child nodes.
IList |
ITestSetFolder.subNodes() |
The list of child nodes.
IList |
IComponentFolderFactory.unattachedComponents() |
Obsolete: method UnattachedComponents
IList |
ISupportAssetRelations.usedBy() |
Returns the list of relations to assets that are using this asset or that are using user assets owned by this asset.
IList |
ISharableLibrary.usedByInfo() |
Get an IList of ILibraryInfo of libraries that are using me.
IList |
ITDConnection.userGroupsList() |
The names of the user groups of the currently connected project.
IList |
ICustomizationUsers.users() |
The list of customization users.
IList |
ICustomizationUsersGroup.usersList() |
A list of all members of the user group.
IList |
ITDConnection.usersList() |
The names of the users of the currently connected project.
IList |
ISupportAssetRelations.using() |
Returns the list of relations to assets used by this asset or by user assets owned by this asset.
IList |
INamedListValue.values() |
Returns the list of values.
IList |
IVCS.versions() |
For HP use.
IList |
IVersionControl.versions() |
For HP use.
IList |
IVCS.versionsEx() |
A list of IVersionItem references for accessing the details of each version in the object.
IList |
ITDConnection2.visibleDomains() |
The list of domain names that the current logged in user is permitted to view.
IList |
ICustomizationModules2.visibleForGroups(int moduleID) |
The list of the user groups to which the specified module is visible in the UI.
IList |
ITDConnection2.visibleProjects(java.lang.String domainName) |
The list of projects in the specified domain that the current logged in user is allowed to connect to.
IList |
IGraph.warnings() |
Returns a list of warnings returned for this graph by the server.