If you’ve purchased the Monitoring package or are running the Premium Enterprise version of step, you’ll be able to consult the status of your plans scheduled entries : this is very useful for the purpose of building a monitoring dashboard that would be exposed to a support team.
Let’s describe the step monitoring view : you can access it by clicking on the “Monitoring” tab from the top menu :

Here the columns description :
- Name : the name of the test plan which is executed and monitored. Clicking on it will redirect you to the plan’s edition page
- CRON Expression : the expression used in the plan scheduling entry
- Environment : the environment the plan is executed against (not relevant for our example)
- Last execution : the link to the last plan execution and since when the execution ended
- Last status change : the last time the plan execution overall status has changed (from FAILED to PASSED for instance)
- Status : the last plan execution status
The buttons on the right of each table row allow you to:
- Manually execute the scheduler task entry
- Edit the scheduler task entry
- Jump to the performance analysis view of this scheduler task entry