Import/Export entities
From step 3.14 onward, you may export the following entities:
- Plans
- Keywords
- Parameters
- Dashboard sessions
The functionalities are similar for all supported type of entities.
Export all entities of one type
For example, to export plans, click on the upper right button as shown below:
Export a single entity
Currently this feature is only available for plans, from a plan editor you can click on the export button as shown below:
Common export options

After clicking on any of the export button, the import export will show up allowing you to choose a destination file name and several options:
- Export all entities recursively will export not only the entity itself but all it’s references recursively. For instance when exporting a plan recursively, it will export all called “sub” plans, called keywords, dataset files…
- Remarks and Considerations:
- Indirect references are not resolved, this includes:
- Plans and keywords called by attributes
- Parameters used in plans and composite keywords
- Only step resources are exported meaning that keyword libraries or dataset’s files defined with a path are not included
- If a keyword from a keyword package is referenced, all keywords from this keyword package will be exported too
- If your instance contains broken references they will be displayed in a dialog, you can then choose to proceed anyway or cancel the export operation
- Indirect references are not resolved, this includes:
- Remarks and Considerations:
- Include an export of all parameters is only available for plans export. As stated previously referenced parameters cannot be resolved automatically, this options allow you to include an export of all parameters
Other Considerations:
- Export all entities will also export entities from accessible ‘global’ projects
- Password parameters are exported with obfuscated values
The import button is accessible next to the export one (upper right):
The import dialog will show up allowing you to choose a source file name and several options:
- Import all entities: by default all entities contained in the provided files are imported, you can choose to import only the current selected entities (plans in above screenshot) in the advanced options.
- Overwrite existing entities: By default entities are imported by generating new IDs, you can change this behavior by selecting the ‘overwrite’ option in advanced settings. The option is only relevant if you want to reimport the data into the same controller and overwrite the existing entities.