All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractClientTestKeyword |
AbstractClientTestKeyword.StepClientAndCredentials |
AbstractCompareFunctionHandler |
AbstractCompareFunctionType<P extends step.functions.Function> |
AbstractComparePlugin |
AbstractDocumentToImageService |
AbstractEnhancedKeyword |
AbstractExtractionService |
This service is responsible for the manipulation of Comparable documents
AbstractLicensedControllerPlugin |
AbstractPageObject |
AbstractRemoteTest |
Class used to manage common features for remote test classes, such as passing credentials to the client
AbstractRestClient |
AbstractRestClient |
AbstractSimulationStrategy |
AbstractSimulationStrategy.BrokerGroup |
AbstractSimulationStrategy.ExecutionType |
AbstractSoapUITestCaseRunnerHandler |
AccessMatrixReader |
ActionResult |
AdminPage |
AdminProjectsPage |
AdminSettingsPage |
AgentPool |
Aggregation |
Aggregator |
ALMConnection |
ALMConnectionParameters |
ALMKeyword |
ALMRepository |
ALMRepositoryClient |
ALMRepositoryDaemon |
ALMRepositoryDaemonClient |
ALMRepositoryDaemonClientFactory |
ALMRepositoryHelper |
ALMRepositoryPlugin |
ALMTestCase |
ALMTestStep |
ALMTestStepParser |
AnchorType |
AnnotationTestKeyword |
ApiInvocationException |
ApiVersion |
The Azure Devops API is a horrible mess concerning the API versions it requires.
AppliesToEveryPageAnchor |
AutoToString |
AutoToString |
AzureDevopsRepository |
AzureDevopsRepositoryPlugin |
AzureDevopsRepositoryServices |
AzureDevopsRestClient |
AzureDevopsStep |
AzureDevopsStepParser |
BasicExecutions |
BasicGroupStrategy |
BasicIdStrategy |
BasicServiceTests |
BasicTestKeyword |
BusinessException |
ClassFactory |
Defines methods to create COM objects
CommonPanel |
Comparator |
CompareFunction |
CompareScenarioServices |
CompareSessionServices |
ComparisonContext |
ComparisonService |
The main service responsible for the comparison of 2 documents
ComparisonService.ComparisonError |
ComparisonService.ComparisonException |
ComparisonService.ComparisonReport |
ComparisonService.ComparisonSettings |
ContinuationException |
CORSResponseFilter |
CosmeticsHandler |
CosmeticsPlugin |
Cycle |
CycleList |
CypressCommandExecution |
CypressFunction |
CypressFunctionHandler |
CypressFunctionType |
CypressPlugin |
CypressServices |
CypressSession |
CypressSessionManager |
DataCreationKeyword |
DataSetNode |
DefaultEENightlyCredentials |
DefaultNightlyCredentials |
DependenciesKeyword |
Dependency |
DevOpsArray<T> |
Dimension |
DocumentCompareServices |
DocumentCompareServices.TestScenarioOutput |
DocumentCompareServices.TestScenarioOutputError |
DotNetFunction |
DotnetFunctionPackageHandler |
DotNetFunctionType |
DotNetPlugin |
DriverFactory |
DriverWrapper |
DualPlanEditorPlugin |
DualPlanEditorServices |
EBCBasicRemoteTest |
EBCParallelGroupPutBeforeGetRemoteTest |
EBCParallelGroupPutGetByPairRemoteTest |
EBCParallelIdPutGetByPairRemoteTest |
EBCParallelSimpleRemoteTest |
EBCPlanRemoteTest |
EmailMessage |
EmailNotificationGateway |
EmailNotificationGatewayConfiguration |
EncryptionManagerControllerPlugin |
EncryptionManagerImpl |
EnterpriseArtefactsAttributes |
EnterpriseArtefactsControllerPlugin |
This plugin is responsible for the registration of UI components of enterprise artefacts
EnterpriseArtefactsPlugin |
This Plugin is responsible for the registration of enterprise plugins
EnterpriseDescriptionStepParser |
EnterpriseMigrationTasksPlugin |
This plugin is responsible for the registration of the migration tasks
EnterprisePlansControllerPlugin |
This plugin is responsible for the registration of UI components of enterprise artefacts
EnterpriseUserAccessorImpl |
EnterpriseUserAccessorPlugin |
EventBroker |
EventBrokerClient |
EventBrokerClientBaseKeyword |
EventBrokerControllerPlugin |
EventBrokerImpl |
EventBrokerMonitorPlugin |
EventBrokerPlugin |
EventBrokerServices |
EventBrokerSimulator |
Execution |
ExecutionData |
ExecutionEndedData |
ExecutionEndedEventType |
ExecutionEndedMessage |
ExecutionFailedData |
ExecutionFailedEventType |
ExecutionFailedMessage |
ExecutionMessage |
ExecutionReport |
ExecutionScreen |
ExecutionSearchObjectList |
ExecutionsKeywords |
ExecutionsPage |
ExecutionWrapper |
Fields |
FileManagerKeywords |
FileRepository |
Filter |
FilterType |
GenericKeywords |
GenericStepPage |
GenericTablePage |
GenericTablePage.Paging |
GetExecutionResponse |
GrafanaConfiguration |
GrafanaConfigurationServices |
GrafanaPlugin |
GrafanaProxy |
GridPage |
HousekeepingExecutionAccessor |
HousekeepingKeywords |
HousekeepingManager |
HousekeepingPlugin |
HousekeepingServices |
HouskeepingExecutionAccessorImpl |
HtmlReporter |
HtmlScrubber |
HtmlToPlainTextFormatter |
HTTPRepository |
HTTPRepositoryClient |
HTTPRepositoryClient.HTTPRepositoryProfile |
HTTPRepositoryPlugin |
IActionPermission |
Services to manage user permissions for actions.
IAlert |
Represents a notification sent to the user.
IAlertable |
Services for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertable2 |
Services for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertable2Dispatch |
Services for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertableEntityFactory |
A factory implements this interface to indicate that it can instantiate objects that implement the IAlertable interface.
IAlertManager |
Services for managing alerts.
IAlertManager2 |
For HP use.
IAmarillusHash |
Support for hash generation.
IAnalysis |
For HP use.
IAnalysisItem |
For HP use.
IAnalysisItemFactory |
For HP use.
IAnalysisItemFolder |
For HP use.
IAnalysisItemFolderFactory |
Services to manage analysis item folders.
IAssetRelation |
Represents a directed relation between two assets.
IAssetRelationFactory |
Services for managing relations between assets.
IAssetRepositoryItem |
Represents a folder or an asset file stored in the repository.
IAssetRepositoryItemFactory |
Services for managing asset repository items.
IAssignedLibraryPart |
For HP use.
IAttachment |
Represents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object.
IAttachmentFactory |
Services to manage attachments of the current field object.
IAttachmentVcs |
For HP use.
IAuditable |
Services to allow changes to an entity to be tracked.
IAuditProperty |
Represents a property associated with an AuditRecord.
IAuditPropertyFactory |
Services for managing AuditProperty objects.
IAuditRecord |
A data change that is tracked.
IAuditRecordAdder |
Custom audit events.
IAuditRecordData |
Custom audit events.
IAuditRecordFactory |
Services for managing AuditRecord objects.
IBaseEntityFolder |
For HP use.
IBaseFactory |
Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactory2 |
Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactoryEx |
Enhances the IBaseFactory interface to support mailing.
IBaseField |
Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField2 |
Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField3 |
Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField4 |
Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseFieldEx |
Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseFieldExMail |
Services to support mailing factory items.
IBaseHierarchyTreeManager |
For HP use.
IBaseline |
For HP use.
IBaselinedEntity |
For HP use.
IBaselineFactory |
For HP use.
IBaselineItem |
For HP use.
IBaselineRoot |
For HP use.
IBaselineRootFactory |
For HP use.
IBaseParam |
A business component parameter or runtime parameter.
IBPComponent |
An instance of a Component in a Business Process.
IBPGroup |
Support for grouping business components so that they iterate as a unit.
IBPHistoryRecord |
For HP use.
IBPIteration |
The design-time definition of a business component iteration.
IBPIterationParam |
An instance of a business component parameter that belongs to a single iteration.
IBPParam |
An instance of a Component Parameter in a business component.
IBPStepParam |
A step parameter for a manual run of the business process test.
IBug |
Represents a defect.
IBugFactory |
Services to manage defect records.
IBugFactory2 |
Services to manage defect records multi project reporting.
IBusinessProcess |
Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess2 |
Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess3 |
Represents a single Business Process Test.
ICacheManager |
For HP use.
ICacheMgr |
For HP use.
IChange |
IChangeEntry |
ICITFactoryService |
For HP use.
IColumnInfo |
Represents column information for a Recordset.
IComFrec |
For HP use.
ICommand |
Represents a database command.
ICommand2 |
For HP use.
IComparison |
For HP use.
IComparisonFactory |
For HP use.
IComparisonNode |
For HP use.
IComparisonNodeFactory |
For HP use.
IComparisonResult |
For HP use.
IComparisonSettings |
For HP use.
IComponent |
Represents a business component.
IComponent2 |
Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponent3 |
Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponentFactory |
Services for managing business components.
IComponentFactory2 |
Services for managing business components.
IComponentFactory3 |
Services for managing business components.
IComponentFolder |
Represents a business component folder.
IComponentFolderFactory |
Services for managing the organization of business components.
IComponentParam |
Services for managing Business Process Test parameters.
IComponentStep |
Represents a step in a business process test.
ICondition |
Represents a condition for a test to be executed.
IConditionFactory |
Services for managing conditions for executing test instances in an test set.
IContainsSupportAssetRelations |
Services for managing relations of contained assets.
IConvertToTestSet |
IQuality Planning function, convert Entity to Test
ICoverable |
Represents an entity that covers a requirement.
ICoverableReq |
Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity.
ICoverageEntity |
Represents the association between a requirement and another entity that covers it.
ICoverageFactory |
Services for managing CoverageEntity objects.
ICrossProjectAPI |
For HP use.
ICrossSiteEntityId |
For HP use.
ICustomization |
Services to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges.
ICustomization2 |
Services to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges.
ICustomization3 |
Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomizationAction |
Represents a type of user action such as adding or deleting a bug.
ICustomizationAction2 |
Additional properties of the customization action.
ICustomizationActions |
The collection of all CustomizationAction objects.
ICustomizationField |
Services for customizing project fields.
ICustomizationField2 |
Services for customizing project fields.
ICustomizationField3 |
Additiona properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationFields |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project.
ICustomizationList |
Represents a user-defined list associated with a field.
ICustomizationList2 |
Represents a user-defined list associated with a field.
ICustomizationListNode |
Represents a node in a list.
ICustomizationListNode2 |
Represents a node in a list.
ICustomizationLists |
A collection of all CustomizationList objects in the project.
ICustomizationMailCondition |
The configuration of a custom automatic mail notification.
ICustomizationMailConditions |
The collection of configurations for custom automatic mail notifications.
ICustomizationModules |
Services for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationModules2 |
Services for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationModules3 |
Services for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationPermissions |
Properties that define the ability of user groups to add, remove, and modify entities.
ICustomizationPermissionService |
For HP use.
ICustomizationPermissionsReports |
For HP use.
ICustomizationRBT |
Customization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values
ICustomizationRBT2 |
Customization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values
ICustomizationRBTAnswer |
A possible value for a Business Criticality, Failure Probablity, or Functional Complexity criterion, used to assess a risk.
ICustomizationRBTQuestion |
A Business Criticality or failure probability criterion, used to assess a risk.
ICustomizationReqType |
A Customization type of the requirement entity.
ICustomizationReqType2 |
Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationTransitionRule |
Represents a single transition rule.
ICustomizationTransitionRules |
A collection of CustomizationTransitionRule objects applied to a specific field and user group.
ICustomizationType |
Represents the Customization type of an entity.
ICustomizationTypedField |
An association between a CustomizationField and an object of a class that implements ICustomizationType.
ICustomizationTypes |
A collection of Customization types of a specific entity.
ICustomizationUser |
Represents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups.
ICustomizationUsers |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsers2 |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsers3 |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsersGroup |
Represents a user group for purposes of adding and removing users.
ICustomizationUsersGroup2 |
Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationUsersGroups |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
ICustomizationUsersGroups2 |
Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
ICustomizationWorkflow |
The Customization Workflow Object
ICycle |
Represents a Cycle.
ICycleFactory |
Services for managing release cycles.
IDashboardFolder |
For HP use.
IDashboardFolderFactory |
For HP use.
IDashboardPage |
For HP use.
IDashboardPageFactory |
For HP use.
IDashboardPageItem |
For HP use.
IDashboardPageItemFactory |
For HP use.
IDataServiceProvider |
For HP use.
IDBManager |
For HP use.
IDesignStep |
Represents a single design step in a test.
IErrorInfo |
IExcelReportManager |
For HP use.
IExcelReportQuery |
For HP use.
IExecEventInfo |
The execution information of the scheduler.
IExecEventNotifyByMailSettings |
Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test has completed its run.
IExecutionSettings |
Information on the execution of a test set.
IExecutionStatus |
Represents the execution status of the scheduler.
IExport |
IExport Interface
IExtendedStorage |
Represents a storage structure used to transfer files between the server and client file system and delete files.
IExtensionData |
For HP use.
IExtensionData1 |
For HP use.
IExtensionManager |
For HP use.
IExtensionServiceProvider |
For HP use.
IFactoryList |
Services to create and maintains lists within entity factories.
IFactoryProvider |
Getter for unique factory.
IFactoryService |
For HP use.
IFactoryService1 |
For HP use.
IFavorite |
For HP use.
IFavoriteFactory |
For HP use.
IFavoriteFolder |
For HP use.
IFavoriteFolderFactory |
For HP use.
IFieldProperty |
Properties for a field.
IFieldProperty2 |
Properties for object fields.
IFieldProperty3 |
Properties for object fields.
IFieldProperty4 |
IFieldProperty4 Interface.
IFileData |
Information about a folder or file.
IFollowUpManager |
Manages the user-defined follow-ups.
IGraph |
Represents a graph built through a method.
IGraphBuilder |
Services for creating graphs.
IGraphBuilder2 |
Services for creating graphs by Table Name.
IGraphDefinition |
Configuration information used to build a graph.
IGraphDefinition2 |
Configuration information used to build a graph.
IGroupingItem |
A set of objects having the same value in a specific field.
IGroupingManager |
Provides services for grouping.
IHierarchyFilter |
Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
IHierarchySupportList |
Services to create and maintain lists of items and their parent objects.
IHistory |
Supports retrieval of a list of history records for objects such as Test, Bug, Step, and others.
IHistory2 |
For HP use.
IHistoryRecord |
Represents a single history change.
IHistoryRecord2 |
Represents a single history change.
IHost |
Represents a single host server.
IHostGroup |
Services for managing a group of host servers.
IHostGroupFactory |
Services for managing definitions of groups of host servers.
IImport |
IImport Interface
IImportedLibrary |
For HP use.
ILibrary |
For HP use.
ILibraryFactory |
For HP use.
ILibraryFolder |
For HP use.
ILibraryFolderFactory |
For HP use.
ILibraryInfo |
For HP use.
ILibraryOperationResult |
For HP use.
ILibraryPart |
For HP use.
ILibraryPartFactory |
For HP use.
ILicenseManager |
For HP use.
ILink |
Represents an association between a Bug and another entity.
ILinkable |
Services for managing links.
ILinkFactory |
Services to manage Link objects.
IList |
Services to create and maintain lists.
IList2 |
Adds to the IList interface missing basic functionality.
ImageBasedAnchor |
ImageCompareFunction |
ImageCompareFunctionHandler |
ImageCompareFunctionType |
ImageComparePlugin |
ImageCompareServices |
ImageDiffReport |
ImageDiffService |
ImageExtractionService |
ImageRegion |
ImagesStorage |
Manages the storage (organization) of the page images of a document
ImageToImageService |
IModule |
For HP use.
IMultiValue |
Represents several values stored in a single field.
INamedListValue |
For HP use.
InMemoryEventBrokerClient |
InMemoryMonitoringDashboardConfigurationAccessorImpl |
InMemoryProjectAccessor |
IntegerIdRef |
IObjectLockingSupport |
Services to support locking objects for editing.
IObjectLockingSupport2 |
For HP use.
IOnExecEventSchedulerActionParams |
Handles the action parameter list.
IOnExecEventSchedulerRestartParams |
Defines behavior after completion of a test set.
IParam |
Services for managing parameters for a Command object.
IParameterGroup |
Represents a group of parameters.
IParameterGroupMember |
Represents a parameter group member.
IParameterValue |
Represents a test parameter value entity.
IParameterValueFactory |
Services for managing manual test parameter values.
IPolicyStatus |
The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project.
IProductInfo |
Information about the current version.
IProjectDescriptor |
Information about a project.
IProjectProperties |
Global project parameters and settings.
IProjectUser |
Represents a project user.
IQCResource |
Represents a file or folder stored in the Quality Center repository.
IQCResourceFactory |
Services to manage QC resources.
IQCResourceFolder |
Represents a QC resource folder.
IQCResourceFolderFactory |
Services to manage QC resource folders.
IRecordset |
Represents the entire set of records resulting from an executed command.
IRelease |
Represents a Release.
IReleaseFactory |
Services for managing releases.
IReleaseFolder |
Represents a Release Folder.
IReleaseFolderFactory |
Services for managing release folders.
IReleaseManagementInfo |
Represents a release or cycle.
IReq |
Represents a requirement for which testing must be performed.
IReq2 |
Represents a requirement for which testing must be performed.
IReqCoverageFactory |
Services for managing requirement coverage.
IReqCoverageInformation |
Services for managing requirement coverage information.
IReqCoverageStatus |
For HP use.
IReqFactory |
Services for managing requirements.
IReqFactory2 |
Services for managing requirements.
IReqFactory3 |
Services for managing requirements.
IReqFactory4 |
Services for managing requirements multi project reporting.
IReqSummaryStatus |
For HP use.
IReqTraceFactory |
Services for managing traceability associations between requirements.
IReqType |
Represents a Requirement Type.
IResourceStorage |
Services to manage resource storage.
IRTParam |
A Business Process Test runtime parameter.
IRule |
Represents a rule for generating an alert.
IRule2 |
Represents a rule for generating an alert.
IRuleManager |
Services for managing the notification rules.
IRun |
Represents a test run.
IRun2 |
Represents a test run.
IRunFactory |
Services for managing test runs.
ISearchableFactory |
Services to support text searches in properties of objects managed by a factory.
ISearchOptions |
Options for controlling searches.
ISelfServicePasswordReset |
For HP use.
ISequentialStream |
ISettings |
Represents users' settings in various user-defined categories.
ISettings2 |
Represents users' settings in various user-defined categories.
ISharableLibrary |
For HP use.
Issue |
IStep |
Represents a test step in a test run.
IStep2 |
Represents a test step in a test run.
IStepParams |
IStream |
IStringRepresentation |
The string representation of the object.
ISubjectNode |
Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree.
ISubjectNode2 |
Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree.
ISupportAssetRelations |
Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities.
ISupportAssetRepositoryItems |
Services for managing asset repository items.
ISupportAssets |
Services for managing user assets.
ISupportCopyPaste |
Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportCopyPaste2 |
Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportEntityTypes |
Provides services for entities that support entity types.
ISupportHierarchicalFilter |
Support for the hierarchical filter.
ISupportParameterValues |
Services to support parameterization.
ISupportRBTAnalysisChild |
Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAnalysisParent |
Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAnalysisParent2 |
Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAssessment |
Represents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAssessment2 |
Represents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportTestParameters |
Provides services for entities that support parametererisation.
ISystemFieldService |
For HP use.
ISysTreeNode |
Represents a system folder, which is a tree node in the TreeManager object.
ISysTreeNode2 |
Represents a tree node.
ITableProperties |
Description of a database table.
ITask |
An asynchronous action.
ITaskFactory |
Services for managing asynchronous actions.
ITaskLog |
An entry in the log of an asynchronous action.
ITaskLogFactory |
Services for logging messages on asynchronous actions.
ITDChat |
For HP use.
ITDConnection |
Represents a single server connection.
ITDConnection2 |
Represents a single server connection.
ITDConnection3 |
Represents a single server connection.
ITDConnection4 |
Represents a single server connection.
ITDErrorInfo |
Exposes the Win32 IErrorInfo interface to Quality Center applications.
ITDField |
Represents a field with field system properties and other properties.
ITDFilter |
Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
ITDFilter2 |
Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
ITDMailConditions |
Services for managing automatic mail notifications.
ITDProgressNotify |
ITDUtils |
For HP use.
ITemplateManager |
Services for performing policy enforcement (Cross Project Customization) operations.
IterationDetail |
ITest |
Represents a planning test.
ITestAccessor |
ITestExecStatus |
Represents the execution status of the test currently running.
ITestFactory |
Services for managing tests.
ITestFactory2 |
Services for managing tests multi project reporting.
ITestParameter |
A parameter for a manual test.
ITestParameterFactory |
Services for managing parameters of manual tests.
ITestSet |
Represents a series of tests to be run as a group to meet a specific testing goal.
ITestSetFactory |
Services for managing test sets.
ITestSetFactory2 |
Services for managing test sets multi project reporting.
ITestSetFolder |
Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder2 |
Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder3 |
Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder4 |
Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolderInternal |
For HP use.
ITestSetTreeManager |
Manages the test set tree and its related test set folders.
ITextParser |
Utilities for handling parameters in a string.
ITrace |
Represents a traceability association between two requirements.
ITreeManager |
Represents the system tree, containing a subject tree and all hierarchical field trees.
ITSScheduler |
Responsible for executing selected automated tests.
ITSScheduler2 |
Responsible for executing selected automated tests.
ITSTest |
Represents a test instance, or execution test, in a test set.
ITSTest2 |
Represents a test instance, or execution test, in a test set.
ITSTest3 |
Represents a test instance, or execution test, in a test set.
IUnitTestSupport |
For HP use.
IUserAsset |
Represents any entity known to the testing tool that is not otherwise represented in Quality Center.
IUserAssetFactory |
Services for managing user assets.
Represents a Version Control System connection for Test objects.
For HP use.
IVcsAdmin |
For HP use.
IVersionControl |
Represents a Version Control System connection.
IVersionData |
For HP use.
IVersionedEntitiesFactory |
For HP use.
IVersionedEntity |
Represents an entity that can have versions
IVersionItem |
Information on a specific version.
IVersionItem2 |
For HP use.
IWarningInfo |
For HP use.
JdbcMeasurementControllerPlugin |
JdbcMeasurementHandler |
JdbcMeasurementPluginServices |
JiraRestClient |
JiraRestClientImpl |
JiraZephyrRepository |
JiraZephyrRepositoryControllerPlugin |
JiraZephyrRepositoryPlugin |
JiraZephyrRepositoryServices |
JiraZephyrStep |
JiraZephyrStepParser |
JSWaiter |
KeywordEditorPage |
KeywordsKeywords |
KeywordsPage |
KubernetesManager |
KubernetesManagerImpl |
KubernetesManagerMock |
KubernetesPlugin |
KubernetesServices |
LastExecutionBeforeStatusChangeCache |
LastExecutionBeforeStatusChangeCacheEntry |
LicensingPlugin |
LocalOnly |
LoginPage |
LogMeasurementControllerPlugin |
LogMeasurementHandler |
MainPage |
Mask |
MaskAnchor |
MaskService |
MaskServices |
MatrixRoleProvider |
MeasurementAccessorKeyword |
MeasurementKeyword |
MigrateArtefactsToPlansEE |
This task migrates the collection 'artefacts' to the collection 'plans' which has been introduced in 3.13
MigrateNotificationStaticToDynamic |
This task migrates the recipient of 'notificationSubscriptions' to dynamic
values which has been introduced in 3.14
MissingInputException |
Modules |
TODO: replace this class by a central index on a market place for instance
MonitoringDashboardConfigurationAccessor |
MonitoringDashboardConfigurationAccessorImpl |
MonitoringDashboardConfigurationEntry |
MonitoringDashboardConfigurationServices |
MonitoringDashboardConfigurationServices.SchedulerTasksAndConfiguration |
MonitoringDashboardManager |
MonitoringDashboardPlugin |
MonitoringDashboardServices |
MonitoringDashboardServices.DashboardEntry |
MultitenancyClient |
MultitenancyManager |
MultitenancyPlugin |
MultitenantRoleResolver |
NavigationExecutions |
Notification |
NotificationControllerPlugin |
NotificationData |
NotificationEngine |
NotificationEventType |
NotificationGateway |
NotificationGatewayConfiguration |
NotificationGatewayConfigurationAccessor |
NotificationGatewayException |
NotificationGatewayManager |
NotificationKeyword |
NotificationMessage |
NotificationPlugin |
NotificationServices |
NotificationSubscription |
NotificationSubscriptionAccessor |
NotificationSubscriptionMigrationTask |
NotificationType |
OrganizationAndProject |
OrganizerPlugin |
OrganizerServices |
OrganizerServices.DirEntry |
OryonFunction |
OryonFunctionType |
OryonPlugin |
Outcome |
PageNumberBasedAnchor |
ParameterScopeKeyword |
ParametersKeywords |
ParametersPage |
PdfExtractionService |
This service is responsible for the manipulation of PDF documents
PdfTestFunction |
PdfTestFunctionHandler |
PdfTestFunctionType |
PdfTestPlugin |
PdfTestServices |
PdfToImageService |
This service is responsible for the conversion of PDF Documents
to a list of images
PerformanceAssert |
PerformanceAssertHandler |
PerformanceAssertPlugin |
PerformanceAssertReportNode |
PerformanceAssertSession |
PerformanceTestKeyword |
PFKeyword |
PlainTextPlan |
PlainTextPlanCompilationError |
PlainTextPlanCompiler |
PlainTextPlanPlugin |
PlanBuilders |
PlanCreationHelper |
PlanEditorPage |
PlanRunners |
PlansKeywords |
PlansPage |
Poller |
PrepopProjectHelper |
PrepopProjectHelper.PrepopProject |
Project |
Project |
ProjectAccessor |
ProjectAccessorImpl |
ProjectList |
ProjectMembership |
ProjectTests |
ProjectVersion |
ProjectVersionList |
PrometheusControllerPlugin |
PrometheusHandler |
PrometheusPluginServices |
ProtectedDataException |
QFTestFunction |
QFTestFunctionType |
QFTestHandler |
QFTestLocalHandler |
QFTestPlugin |
QFTestResource |
RawMailMessageData |
Recipient |
Region |
RegionDefinion |
RegionExtractionResult |
RegressionKeyword |
RemoteClientTestUtils |
RemoteCollectionE2ETest |
RemoteEventBrokerClient |
RemoteExecutionAccessorTest |
RemoteExecutionManagerTest |
RemoteFunctionAccessorTest |
RemoteMultitenancyClientImpl |
RemoteMultitenancyClientImplTest |
RemoteParameterAccessorTest |
RemotePlanAccessorTest |
RemoteReportTreeAccessorTest |
RemoteResourceManagerTest |
ReportsPage |
RepositoryCache<V> |
This cache associates a unique entry to a defined set of repository's parameters
This allows to track resources associated to a run
RepositoryCache.Entry<V> |
RequestSpecification<T> |
ResourcesPage |
ResultAttachment |
RtmKeywords |
RtmPage |
Scenario |
Scenario.TestScenario |
SchedulerPage |
SchedulerTests |
SearchObjectList<T> |
SequenceNode |
SimpleRestClient |
SimpleRestClient.SSLTrustAny |
SoapUIFunction |
SoapUIFunctionType |
SoapUIHandler |
SoapUILicenseException |
SoapUILocalHandler |
SoapUIPlugin |
SoapUIProTestCaseRunnerHandler |
SoapUITestCaseRunnerHandler |
SoapUITestCaseRunnerHandler |
SSLTrustAny |
State |
Status |
StepClient |
This class provides a single point of access to the STEP services.
StepJarParser |
StepLicenseManager |
StepResult |
StepResults |
Library Asynchronous import process return values
Library Asynchronous import process STATUSES
Attachment Flags.
Attachment Sub Type.
Attachment Type.
Baseline capture states
Comparison related constants.
Comparison Change Types
Components Automation Type Values
Run condition statuses.
Execution flow condition type.
Options for pasting design steps linked to tests where the linked tests already exist in the target project.
Data types.
Comparison Change Types
The entities for customization types.
The status returned by ICommand2.ExecuteQuery if synchronous, or ICommand2.IsActionFinished when asynchronous.
Extended Storage file deletion flags.
Library Sharing Statuses
Node Types
Position markers for a list or collection.
IDs of the predefined requirement types.
The units by which to purge.
Quality Center Editions.
Risk-based Quality Management Business Criticality levels.
Risk-based Quality Management Functional Complexity levels.
Risk-based Quality Management Failure Probability levels.
Risk-based testing Requirement Type Risk Analysis Type.
Risk-based Quality Management Risk kinds.
Risk-based Quality Management Risk levels.
Risk-based Quality Management Testing levels.
Constants for the requirement tree.
Flags for requirement factory Find method.
Resource Types
Parameter handling at run time.
Interval flags for graphs and summation by interval methods.
Step modification mode.
Possible results of template propagation analysis and enforcement.
Trace directions - 'TO' or 'FROM' this item.
Tenant |
TenantContextFilter |
TenantServices |
TenantServices.ProjectMemberResponse |
Options for pasting test class objects.
TestArtefact |
TestCache |
TestCacheEntry |
TestCase |
TestCase.Array |
TestCaseResult |
TestCaseResult.Array |
TestPlan |
TestPlan.Array |
TestPoint |
TestPoint.Array |
TestRun |
TestRun.Array |
TestRun.Create |
TestStep |
TestStep |
TestStepList |
TestSuite |
TestSuite.Array |
TestSuite.HumanFriendlyComparator |
TimestampFormatter |
WaitForEvent |
WaitForEventHandler |
WaitForEventReportNode |
WaitKeyword |
WebhookMessage |
WebhookNotificationGateway |
WebhookNotificationGatewayConfiguration |
WorkItem |
ZephyrRestClient |
ZephyrRestClientImpl |
ZqlSearchRequest |
_DIOtaEvents |
For HP use.
_DIProgressEvents |
For HP use.
_IAttachment2 |
For HP use.
_IBaseEntityFolder |
For HP use.
_IBaseFactory |
For HP use.
_IBaseField |
For HP use.
_ISubjectNode3 |
For HP use.
_ITestSetFolder |
For HP use.
_ITestSetFolder5 |
For HP use.
_ITreeNode |
For HP use.