Class CancellableSleep


public class CancellableSleep extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final long DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • sleep

      public static boolean sleep(long duration, Supplier<Boolean> cancelCondition, Class<?> invokingClass)
    • sleep

      public static boolean sleep(long duration, Supplier<Boolean> cancelCondition, long checkIntervalMs, String invocationContext)
      Sleeps for a maximum of duration milliseconds, checking every checkIntervalMs milliseconds whether the cancelCondition is met, and cancelling the sleeping if so.
      duration - number of milliseconds to sleep
      cancelCondition - method which is invoked to verify if execution is to be cancelled. This method is invoked often, and in time-sensitive code, so it should return quickly.
      checkIntervalMs - number of milliseconds between cancellation checks. A lower limit of 10 ms is enforced, but higher values (say, >= 100 ms) are strongly recommended.
      invocationContext - indication of the context where the method invocation originated. Only used for logging, and may be null.
      true if the entire sleep went through without being cancelled, false if it was cancelled.