Interface ISupportRBTAnalysisChild

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ISupportRBTAnalysisChild
    extends com4j.Com4jObject
    Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass. This class provides services for handling the child requirements affected by the analysis.
    • Method Detail

      • analyzedTestingLevel

        java.lang.String analyzedTestingLevel()

        The testing level determined by the last analysis, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS.

        Getter method for the COM property "AnalyzedTestingLevel"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • analyzedTestingEffortInHours

        int analyzedTestingEffortInHours()

        The testing effort determined by the last analysis.

        Getter method for the COM property "AnalyzedTestingEffortInHours"

        Returns a value of type int
      • useCustomTLAndTE

        boolean useCustomTLAndTE()

        Does this requirement have a custom Testing Level and Testing Effort?

        Getter method for the COM property "UseCustomTLAndTE"

        Returns a value of type boolean
      • useCustomTLAndTE

        void useCustomTLAndTE​(boolean pVal)

        Does this requirement have a custom Testing Level and Testing Effort?

        Setter method for the COM property "UseCustomTLAndTE"

        pVal - Mandatory boolean parameter.
      • customTestingLevel

        java.lang.String customTestingLevel()

        The custom testing level supplied, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS.

        Getter method for the COM property "CustomTestingLevel"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • customTestingLevel

        void customTestingLevel​(java.lang.String pTestingLevel)

        The custom testing level supplied, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS.

        Setter method for the COM property "CustomTestingLevel"

        pTestingLevel - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
      • customTestingEffortInHours

        int customTestingEffortInHours()

        The custom testing effort.

        Getter method for the COM property "CustomTestingEffortInHours"

        Returns a value of type int
      • customTestingEffortInHours

        void customTestingEffortInHours​(int pVal)

        The custom testing effort.

        Setter method for the COM property "CustomTestingEffortInHours"

        pVal - Mandatory int parameter.
      • rnDEstimatedEffortInHours

        int rnDEstimatedEffortInHours()

        The R&D effort.

        Getter method for the COM property "RnDEstimatedEffortInHours"

        Returns a value of type int
      • rnDEstimatedEffortInHours

        void rnDEstimatedEffortInHours​(int pVal)

        The R&D effort.

        Setter method for the COM property "RnDEstimatedEffortInHours"

        pVal - Mandatory int parameter.
      • ignoreInAnalysis

        boolean ignoreInAnalysis()

        Should this requirement be excluded in Risk-based Quality Management analysis?

        Getter method for the COM property "IgnoreInAnalysis"

        Returns a value of type boolean
      • ignoreInAnalysis

        void ignoreInAnalysis​(boolean pVal)

        Should this requirement be excluded in Risk-based Quality Management analysis?

        Setter method for the COM property "IgnoreInAnalysis"

        pVal - Mandatory boolean parameter.
      • parentRequirementForRBTAnalysis

        com4j.Com4jObject parentRequirementForRBTAnalysis()

        The parent requirement for the current Risk-based Quality Management Analysis.

        Getter method for the COM property "ParentRequirementForRBTAnalysis"

        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject