Interface ICoverageEntity

  • All Superinterfaces:
    com4j.Com4jObject, IBaseField, IObjectLockingSupport

    public interface ICoverageEntity
    extends IBaseField
    Represents the association between a requirement and another entity that covers it.
    • Method Detail

      • requirementEntity

        com4j.Com4jObject requirementEntity()

        The Req object being covered.

        Getter method for the COM property "RequirementEntity"

        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • targetEntity

        com4j.Com4jObject targetEntity()

        The entity object that covers the requirement.

        Getter method for the COM property "TargetEntity"

        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • coverageType

        java.lang.String coverageType()

        The type of coverage. For example, Test or TSTest.

        Getter method for the COM property "CoverageType"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • status

        java.lang.String status()

        The execution result status of the TargetEntity.

        Getter method for the COM property "Status"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String
      • name

        java.lang.String name()

        The name of the TargetEntity.

        Getter method for the COM property "Name"

        Returns a value of type java.lang.String