User account
My account
Credentials and preferences can be defined from the my account page. Click on your username on the top right box, then on “My account”:
User Credentials and API keys
On the “My account” page, the user can modify its password as well as generate an Api key. The key can be use for authentication mechanism with the step API (either for direct REST calls or via the step client). When generating an API key you can provide a lifetime (in number of days) or keep it empty for unlimited keys. Refer to the web UI for more details.
It is possible to define some user specific preferences under the user account settings as custom key/value pair.
See below for the current supported preferences :
- tables_itemsperpage : define the default number of items to be displayed in all sections containing a table (Plans, Keywords, Parameters, Executions etc…)
More preferences will be added in the future.